Center for Anti-bullying & Non-violence
Reducing Violence in Schools & Communities

The PEACE Program



Parent Empowerment




Anger Management


Character Education


Essential Social Skills
The PEACE Program is designed to teach social emotional learning in a specific way that addresses your client’s needs and risk level. Dr. Sara Salmon and Arnold Goldstein (Co-writer of Aggression Replacement Training) developed the PEACE Program as an expanded Aggression Replacement Training (ART) model that serves ALL youth. ALL youth needs social emotional learning. Knowing Empathy, Anger Control, Essential Social Skills and Character Education is fundamental for success in all areas of life. Dr. Sara has built her life’s work on this belief, providing the PEACE Program to multiple schools and agency settings. Dr. Sara has shifted into a Founder role, handing training over to Kelli Parcher and Shannon Burns. Along with being Master Trainers for We Teach Peace, Kelli and Shannon are Master Trainers for Washington State’s Aggression Replacement Training program, and they currently are teaching WSART to youth in a group setting. Many Master Trainers do not currently still provide direct services to youth. Teaching youth the curriculum allows us to keep up with social changes, relate to new Trainers, and provide essential tips.

We offer several types of Peace4Kids programs and trainings:

  • One-time staff training for schools and organizations

  • Ongoing training in non-violence and anti-bullying education using the following modules:
    • Module 1 is introductory and involves teaching the four components of Peace4Kids including empathy, anger management, social skills and character education plus research behind the program
    • Module 2 includes practice in a program set up including student discipline and also specific practice in teaching social skills and moral reasoning
    • Module 3 includes practice in empathy and social intelligence, and more extensive practice in anger control. Bullying Stops with Me is also included in Module 3

  • Summer school Pull - Out Program
    We offer a eight week summer school program for at risk students where they learn social competence skills

  • Organizing the effective classroom
    We can assist teachers and principals in reorganizing their environments that will help students learn using Feng Shui principles and solid research. Our methods fit well into the PBIS and RTi models of neat work spaces.

  • Parent empowerment
    We provide training in conducting parent empowerment groups to engage kids and families.

  • Model guidance programs
    Our staff helps schools set up the American School Counselor Model (ASCA) by conducting needs assessments and establishing SMART goals and activities to meet those goals.

  • Experiential Activities 
    We are available to train staff in experiential activities related to the transfer of training for PEACE-ART.

The PEACE PROGRAM Training Services

Tier 1

 Lowest risk or standard youth. 
General classroom, youth that is not exhibiting any behavior problems outside of normal development. They are rarely sent out of the classroom. Teachers are able to manage them without needing any additional help. Home is not a concern and parents report age appropriate behavior. All kids still need social emotional learning throughout their education! It will change the culture of your school! The PEACE Program has a Universal School-Wide Curriculum delivered through one lesson a week in a classroom setting. The lessons are easily connected to core curriculum requirements.   


Tier 2

Youth is starting to exhibit behaviors that are resulting in negative outcomes.   
Office referrals, suspensions, truancy, Teachers are asking for help, and parents may report disruption at home. Due to their higher risk level, these youth need “targeted” lessons of social emotional learning. They work individually with a school counselor or in a small group of other TIER 2 kids, receiving a more specifically targeted pullout PEACE Curriculum. The pullout lessons include demonstration and youth practices of: Empathy, Essential Social Skills, Anger Control, and Character Education. The lessons are delivered one or two times a week for 40min to an hour. Along with this, they continue to receive one lesson a week in their standard classroom.    


Tier 3

This is the highest risk population. 
They are involved in the Juvenile Justice System, possibly for multiple offenses. They are not able to have success in a classroom and are likely to have multiple suspensions from school or in an alternative school setting. Home disruption is common, they are acting out aggressively, and damaging/stealing property. Through their behavior, these youth is showing they do not have the foundation of social emotional learning and they need a curriculum that is specific, clear, simple, and teaches the concepts in a repetitive way (We must assume this population has never received social emotional learning tools). This strict model must be provided 3-4 times a week with 1 hour lessons and includes definition of concepts, demonstration, and practice.

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